you don't know crap!!! Sicko! ![]()
Hey, just in case you need more evidence to back up how AA is ineffective (which is beginning to seem to me to be a lot like creationism versus evolution), the Cochrane Collaboration published a study this year showing that, yes, it is indeed ineffective. link: — Mike
Thank you.
In particular, I see:
== Orange
The judges would not have to sentence anyone to AA if the rocket scientist did break the law by driving drunk in the first place. This is a no brainier. Duh> Like you..................
Well, Psychodr, your "no-brainer" is completely missing the point.
Judges are empowered to sentence drunk drivers
to all kinds of punishments that range from drivers' education classes to
counseling sessions to years in prison.
But judges do not have the legal power to sentence anybody to the meetings of a cult religion, or
any other kind of religion, either.
That is illegal, unConstitutional, and immoral.
And that is what is wrong with sentencing drunk drivers to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Date: Tue, April 24, 2007 4:05 pm Dam you take a long time to answer my e-mail. What were you drunk? You are right, a judge, does not have A RIGHT TO SENTENCE A DWI TO AA MEETINGS. I HAVE RE-THOUGHT THIS. THE JUDGE SHOULD JUST SEND THE DRUNK TO JAIL FOR 10 YEARS. PERIOD. ANY QUESTIONS?
Nope, no questions at all. It's nice to get a clear statement of what A.A. really thinks
of alcoholics, and how A.A. plans to "help" alcoholics.
"Let us love you until you can love yourself."
Yeh, right.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Greetings and thanks for the response. I expect that you keep yourself pretty busy so with this and other ventures so I don't begrudge you taking a little while to respond.
Hi again Ted,
Well, it took a while, but here we are.
A personal point of privilege concerning my comment about Orange and AA finances. OK, you caught me. I made a snappy reaction and it was out of place. email is an imperfect mode of communication as are all others. Given the chance to get to know you a little better before I sent it I hope I would have reacted more gently. Okay. On to the issue of AA suing people in Germany and Central or South America over distribution or ownership rights.
OK, fine. I have read most of what is on your pages about these issues and I have some comments: First, I am bothered by these reports as I have heard similar from other sources. I believe it was reported on your site (or a similar has been quite a while since I read the story.) that many board members and people in positions of authority (I don't like that too much either.) quit voluntarily over this (and I don't hear any credit given for doing so), and perhaps, according to the laws applying, some people belong in prison. But where did these actions come from? I believe it is not from the program but from those involved. Who first reported this? Wasn't it other members of AA?
Yes, I learned about it from
Mitchell K., who reported it on About.Com, and
Anthony of the U.K.
You do realize, of course, that you are using
Minimalization and Denial there?
As if the crimes of the A.A. leadership are less serious because some of the
membership objected to them?
The membership sure should have objected, considering that the crimes
of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. leaders and staff were being committed against
the A.A. membership. And note that none of the leaders got fired for it. The A.A.W.S.
leadership is totally out of control. They are accountable to no one.
And that's another big problem with Alcoholics Anonymous.
Bill Wilson was an idiot when it came to designing organizations.
Yeh, right.
Second, there never has been an organization, since the beginning of man as we know it, that has not been associated at one time or another with trouble-makers or generally bad people who just don't see the point behind it all. And I do realize that is more Minimalization and Denial. If you have made changes in your personality that are necessary to control any undesirable habit, no matter what it is, you will find yourself in the presence of people that have not "grown" in the way you might have. While in a perfect world the best thing might be to simply share your wisdom with them and be happy that they grow along with you. In the world we live in it is rarely the case of that being either the best thing for you (I'm sure you've caught on that I am using the word generically.) or them. Often I have found that the best way is NOT to cast your pearls before swine, so to speak. We almost never learn from the experience of others. Sadly, that is often true. Unfortunately two of the most common characteristics of leaders are ambition and charisma. IMO, Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, whose opinions we argue over after years, decades and millennia, didn't spend a lot of time seeking those things, yet most of our leaders have and do. Also true. Although, these days, I would even question the use of the word "leaders". George W. Bush and the other politicians are not leading us anywhere. There is no leadership. That said, and even keeping in mind the fact that one of the "founders" of AA wanted to "sell" the program at one time, I would find it amazing if the history of AA had less blemishes than it does. (Judas Iscariot was a big time dude in the ministry. He even controlled the money!) To me the difference is when bad things are done "are those things part of the nature of the organization" or "are they exceptions?"
That is more Minimalization and Denial.
The evidence is accumulating that the problems with A.A. are inherently the nature of the organization:
And remember that Alcoholics Anonymous has no system for supervising sponsors and firing bad ones.
There is no accountability.
The sexual predators and the self-appointed cult leaders can do whatever they wish, indefinitely.
And Bill Wilson's lies in the sacred "first 164 pages" of the Big Book will never be
corrected, either.
We can make up our own minds. We had better. Let me describe my thoughts on it this way, I am a Republican, but in no way approve of everything that happens in the party nor every party plank. I think an honest Democrat would say the same about their party. True. With that in mind, I remain an honest member of AA. Okay. Now, concerning cults. Since you have chosen your definition of cults and ignored mine I feel no reason to investigate yours. I'm talking to you, not these guys. Who are they? What impact do they have on your beliefs concerning cults? What implications do you see from your resultant characterizations of groups as cults?
Definition of cult? Excuse me, but you did not provide any definition of "cult".
You merely remarked
that you had read some "religious apologetics",
and then you listed only one single characteristic of a cult:
'The singular characteristic of a cult is that the follower "must" be
removed from their family.'
That is not a definition of a cult, nor is it a description of the most important characteristic
of a cult.
If a cult is just something that removes someone from their family, then the U.S. Army, a Christian
seminary, a child welfare foster home, and a residential college all qualify as cults.
There is a lot more to a cult than that.
Well I have done a lot of reading too. A LOT of reading. Look at
the bibliography.
And it was from reading all of those books about cults, as well as personal experiences
with cults in the 'sixties and 'seventies that I assembled
the Cult Test,
a list of 100 common cult characteristics.
Social isolation and total immersion in the cult
is just one of the hundred.
Now if you want to try providing an actual definition of a cult, then we can discuss your definition.
You could start with the dictionary definition of a cult, you know.
Look here.
I don't know what "these guys" you are referring to when you say,
"I'm talking to you, not these guys."
What I have found in my studies (over perhaps 20 years) is that folks who exhibit a generally anti- or at least a complainatory view of Christianity or quasi-Christian groups select those definitions and definers that they agree with. Fair enough, I may do the same. One difference is the answer to this question: "Does the definition of `cult' that you chose to use leave any room for any evangelical religious group to be excluded?"
(Feel free to ask my why I asked the question in that manner if you like.)
If not, then your definition leaves me thirsty. Huh? You aren't making much sense there. There is room for evangelical religious groups to not be cults, if they don't insist that the leader is always right, and the followers always wrong, and redefine the language, and practice guilt induction, and promote irrational dogma, etc. Just go down the list of 100 cult characteristics. You did actually read the list that you are rejecting, didn't you? Or did you? Now finally, concerning groups that require followers to leave family and friends. I'm not sure if you mean this in general or specific with regard to alcohol, so I'll try to address both.
Groups such as the Bhagwani's, saffron-robe wearers or kool-aid drinkers demand that you basically sever all ties with your past life. This is not, AFAIK, a requirement of AA nor do I support it. If some groups do it then they made the crap up and all it does is give us a bad name and screw up a bunch of people's lives. Yeh, but it still happens. And the damage is still done. If, on the other hand, you are referring to suggestions that someone with an alcohol problem might want to choose new friends that don't spend all their time partying, well I think that is up to each individual and their program. But when someone becomes obsessed with A.A. and only associates with other A.A. members, then that creates a problem. It's my program dammit (I would say to them), and if it works for me don't give me a hard time about it.
Now we come to the truth. Some people find that they cannot go to a bar, grocery or convenience store that they used to buy from without being tempted. I personally do not have that problem. If I had a sponsor or a group that told me how to deal with these situations in a way that does not follow my plan then guess what? I'm looking for a new sponsor or group. Follow what plan? There are always going to be weak people that are taken advantage of by the strong. I could make a pretty fair argument that your group is doing that. "My group"? There is no "my group". I can see that someone who might be weak in some way or another might read some of your web pages and not have the fortitude to actually make a value judgment about what you say before quitting AA. Oh geez Louise. Get real. Talk about a reversal of reality. You have people being sentenced to A.A. meetings every day, and you are worried about some "weak" person being lured away from Alcoholics Anonymous? What about the weak people who get sucked into A.A. from having been forced to go to A.A. meetings? A possible danger I see in your group, and you probably do not intend for it to be used in this way, but there are non-alcoholic spouses who divorce and take information very similar to what is presented in your pages to manipulate decisions of the courts.
Again, I don't have a group. I am the sole author of one set of web pages.
If spouses use some accurate and true information to make arguments in courts, then good.
What's wrong with that?
Here is my problem. On the one hand I've got you: some anonymous guy on the web were anyone can make any claim they want and find evidence that life is really just as depicted in the Matrix movies, and then I have a person that I might know, sitting in a meeting with me crying because her husband found a judge that is willing to restrict unsupervised visitation based on this stuff you post. (This really happens!)
My choices are two. I can tell that poor woman, that I have known to be a recovering alcoholic doing the best she can like the rest of us, that she is going to have to accept seeing her kids for one week a year during the holiday of his chosing...or I can try to figure out what you are about and share what useful information I can.
You are attempting a
Proof by Anecdote.
You haven't told us anything like the truth of the matter.
You are trying to just give us a sob story.
You haven't listed the facts of the case, or explained why the judge decided that an
alcoholic woman was an unfit mother (although I can guess).
So what's the real truth there?
And again, you are trying to reduce the situation to just a pair of poor choices, using
the Either/Or Technique.
You failed to mention the third choice: getting the mother into better shape
so that she might actually be a better mother, and warrant having her children more.
You could be a person who falls anywhere along the spectrum. You could be someone who got pissed at AA because they made you feel like you should be responsible to a God that you don't want to be judged by. You could be a vindictive person just looking for your own niche on this thing called the internet in order to stab weak-minded people with emotional daggers. I know that there are people of both persuasions out there. I expect you are at neither end, but I won't know if I don't try to find out.
Again, you are not giving any facts. You are just fishing for an
Ad Hominem attack, and using
the "Hobson's Choice" or Alternative Advance
propaganda technique — only offering two bad choices: I might be either
"pissed" or "vindictive".
Those things are not opposite ends of a range or "spectrum", either.
By your
suggestive illogic, you could also say,
"Or you could be a selfless saint who is just
trying to save the world..."
(Now I'm not saying that I am such a saint, but it makes as much sense as your suggested attacks.)
We are dealing with people with warm bodies and real feelings out here. If given the choice between somebody on the web who is trying desperately to convince others that they are right in order to justify their failures or some asinine AA member who tells a sponsee that they cannot attend their grandmother's funeral, then I say a pox on you all and I'll just try to provide the most gentle, productive counseling that I can.
Again, that is just so much rationalization and minimization and denial.
You are just using the
Straw Man tactic, setting up and then
attacking extreme cases, and
also using the
The Either/Or Technique, again.
"The problematic people are either fools trying to justify their failures
or asinine AA members who tell sponsees that they
cannot attend their grandmother's funeral".
FYI: we are ALL "dealing with people with warm bodies and real feelings out here."
You should read the letters I get from suffering people who have been hurt by Alcoholics Anonymous.
You are also using
Ad Hominem, again.
I am not
"somebody on the web who is trying
desperately to convince others that they are right in order to justify
their failures".
I am somebody who is working on telling the truth about a problem, a very big problem —
Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12-Step nightmare.
Well, Ted, again, all that your letter really means is,
"I like A.A., and I won't allow my opinions to be changed by mere facts."
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
[2nd letter from Ted K. This and the following letter were written by Ted many months before I answered any of these three, so he wasn't responding to my answers.]
OK, I just sent you a response without checking out what you think about cults and started feeling guilty. Where did you get what you know about AA? You must've been a member of a really crazy group.
Hi again Ted,
Read the introduction, and other pages:
I've heard stories like some of the one's you mention and my response is, "Those people are out of their minds." If I was in a group like that I'd leave. Yes, and I left too, but those groups still exist, and get new victims every day. The courts even sentence people to go to A.A. meetings, without bothering to warn the people about which groups are bad. And treatment centers, like mine, just push the 12-Step nonsense in spite of the failure rate. You should get out some more and find out what mainstream AA groups are like. I know what they are like. There are some nice mellow people in some groups. But they still start every meeting by reading Bill Wilson's lies from pages 58 through 60 of the Big Book, and then they reverently recite more stuff from books like As Bill Sees It... All of A.A. is contaminated with Bill Wilson's cult religion and misinformation. You're working one of the logical fallacies to its maximum. You seem to find every undesirable thing anyone ever reported it and characterize AA like that. In the words of Foghorn Leghorn, "It just ain't so son." Well, actually, it is like that. My responses to some of your answers. #1. You are wrong. Bill is a man. I trust him as much or as little as I do others. As I choose.
You may not worship Bill Wilson, but far too many A.A. members do. They won't even correct any of
his mistakes or lies in the first 164 pages of the Big Book.
Some A.A. members even claim that Bill Wilson was divinely inspired when he wrote the Big Book.
#2. I am not always wrong. Hell, I even knew some of Bill's stuff before he said it. My "real" Big Book is what he said he wanted his to be. (The Bible. That's the real secret.)
You may use the Bible as your Big Book, but Bill Wilson merely gave lip service to the Bible.
And I have never, not once ever, seen somebody bring a Bible into an A.A. meeting and read aloud from it.
The readings in A.A. meetings are ALWAYS the words of Bill Wilson, or other "council-approved"
literature. The Bible is not council-approved literature.
#3. Wrong again. Even the Big Book says that some people can get sober on their own. Didn't you ever hear "This is how we did it"? It's right there in the front of the book!
That rap is just one of Bill Wilson's
bait-and-switch tricks.
Wilson talked out of both sides of his mouth.
That's just a recruiting tool, sounding so mellow and easy-going to newcomers and potential recruits.
Later, the story changes to:
#4. You must be thinking binary. Everything is either 10 or nothing. Are you talking about the cult test? A.A. scores a 10 on a lot of items because they do that stuff. Look. Let's just save both of us a lot of time and dump this conversation. You obviously have never been to a meeting at any place that I have, and while there are people who act in some of the ways you describe some of the time, so the hell what? You're a lonely man if you refuse to go to clubs with imperfect people as members.
And that's another attempt at
Escape Via Relativism —
"It's just your goofy meetings versus my wonderful meetings. Everybody has his own meetings, and
his own opinion..."
I don't refuse to go to clubs with imperfect members, but I do avoid meetings like:
The Ku Klux Klan, The Aryan Brotherhood, The American Nazi Party, The Unification Church,
Scientology, The People's Temple, and Alcoholics Anonymous.
I might make up a one paragraph description of the information contained on your web pages and give it to anyone that asks me about Agent Orange and his ilk.
Holy crap! And to think I took you seriously for a while.
Here's in hopes that I wasn't casting my pearls before swine.
Ted Have a good day, Ted.
[3rd letter from Ted K.]
Date: Sun, October 29, 2006 3:26 pm (answered 27 April 2007) I feel foolish when I respond to myself, but what the hell? I feel foolish for spending so much time with you. Let me leave you with one piece of advice. I'm a computer engineer and I've had a couple of bosses that have taught me something. "If everything has the highest priority then nothing has a priority." If you have a scale of one to ten and everything is ten, your scale is meaningless. Ted
I guess you must be referring to
the Cult Test.
Those are scores, not priorities.
If A.A. rates a score of 10 out of 10 on an item, I score it at a 10.
I'm also a computer programmer, and I have thought of writing a cgi-bin program where each question
is weighted for importance. Some questions are more important than others, and would get
greater weight in the final score.
But I don't know if it's really worth the bother to be that extreme.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Dear Orange I just wanted to express a few thoughts on what I have come to think of as the AA creed of powerlessness, which owes its origin to the weird ideas of Frank Buchman's Oxford Group, and is advocated by steppers and official AA 'literature' as a way of dealing with all of life's problem's, not just that of addiction to alcohol. This strange creed of powerlessness which AA members are encouraged to subscribe to has always struck me as expressing a very skewed and flawed way of looking at the world. If individuals really believed that they were powerless to have any influence for good or ill over people, events and circumstances in their lives, they would then, in effect, be mere automata, acting out a script of learnt powerlessness. A philosophy (if it can even be dignified with such a name) which teaches that people are powerless over the circumstances of their lives is, by definition, a philosophy of fatalistic defeatism. Incidentally, 'self-help' is the most inaccurate description of such a philosophy imaginable. If people had, historically, followed this crazy, disempowering and defeatist philosophy en masse, the human race would never have progressed beyond the barbarities of human sacrifice and cannibalism, slavery would never have been outlawed, children would still be sent to work down our coalmines and women would never have gained the vote. No scientific, medical or cultural progress would ever have occurred. It is very worrying that so many people, some occupying positions of power and influence in the medical establishment and elsewhere, are prepared to abandon rational thought and take such ideas seriously. My own position is to treat this AA philosophy of powerlessness with the contempt it deserves subsequent to investigation. I do not think there are many acts more unhelpful than to offer desperate and vulnerable people a counsel of despair. I have first-hand experience of the Job's comforters who are the 'oldtimers' of AA inflicting their unsolicited and unwelcome counsel of despair on me when I spoke in meetings about having to cope with the following issues in sobriety:
When I spoke about these events in the rooms, I was 11 to 13 years sober, but was treated with a total lack of respect because I refused to pretend to believe in the AA program. I did not, at that time, vociferously object to the program. I just made it clear that I didn't follow the 'suggestions' and didn't think I owed my sobriety to AA. On the occasions when I spoke about these things, at no time did I ask for any advice from any other members at the meeting, yet they broke the AA code of not 'cross-sharing' by passing public comment on what I said and pushing unwanted program-laden advice at me, much of it inevitably based on this poisonous creed of powerlessness. This was done in the guise of offering support, but any kind of recognisable human empathy or compassion were conspicuous by their absence. The only thing these people seemed interested in was using somebody else's grief as a pretext for promoting the creed of powerlessness. The responses I got when I expressed my feelings about these tragic events finally convinced me that I did not want the morbid and unhealthy influence of these AA people in my life any more. I have not looked back. Over two years after my brother's death I have not drunk, and I have not had a mental breakdown, despite being diagnosed as bipolar. I have moved forward in my life in many areas, and I have found The Orange Papers to be a very useful and encouraging resource to help me take full responsibility for my own recovery and work towards putting my negative experiences in AA behind me. By the way, I did everything within my power to resolve the issues surrounding my mother's last illness and death, with partial success. Whilst I was a long way from getting an admission of medical negligence from the hospital authorities, I did get an admission from them that I had not been given the full and true facts about her medical treatment up to her death and an apology for being unhelpful and disrespectful towards me during the complaints procedure. I did at least have an opportunity, at an officially convened meeting, to publicly tell those responsible for my mother's treatment that I remained unconvinced by their changing accounts of what occurred, and was considering legal action. I had tenaciously contested their differing versions of events for almost a year to get to this point. I decided not to take the issue further, for fear of bankrupting myself with legal fees and undermining my health with the stress of a lengthy court case. However, I still felt much better than I would have done if I had simply aquiesced in my supposed 'powerlessness over people, places and things' and done nothing. The whole issue was connected with MRSA infection, which was then virtually unheard of by the British public, but has now long been a huge political and medical scandal in this country because of poor hygeine standards in National Health Service hospitals and the preventable deaths of elderly patients. With regard to my brother's alcoholism and death from liver failure, I have learnt many painful lessons from these things. The lessons learned from experience are sometimes painful and bitter, but the AA creed of powerlessness is downright poisonous. I hope you don't mind my going on so long on this occasion, but I just felt very abused and insulted by the behaviour of these steppers, and I wanted to get it off my chest. I'm sure innumerable other people have had similar experiences. What a relief it is not to be around those creeps any more! Best wishes and keep up the good work Andy M
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the story. I couldn't agree more. I especially liked your point about "a group that promotes
a philosophy of powerlessness cannot be a 'self-help group'."
And this line is good too:
Yes, I caught that little twist on "contempt prior to investigation."
That's good. And that's my attitude too.
And it's both sad and revealing how quickly the "no cross-talk" and
"Alcoholics Anonymous does not demand that you believe anything"
rules disappear when you challenge their beliefs.
Oh and congratulations on your continuing sobriety.
And have a good life.
== Orange
Howdy, I can finally say an unqualified thank you.
Hi Anna,
Thanks for the thanks.
And have a good day.
== Orange
Well done your information and I praise your clear and unbiased presention of this important orientation. Thanks for the labor of many hours to put it together.
Dr P.
Hi Dr. P.,
Thanks for the compliments, and you have a good day too.
== Orange
Hey Orange, Hope all is still well! See that you seem to be getting round to answering some of your mail! Good luck with that. You must be well and truly back logged!
Hi Steven,
Yes, all is well. And I'm returning to the salt mines for a little while, and trying to get
caught up on the backlogged email.
I have two questions. Firstly, I was thinking of doing a wikipedia article on the "the anti AA movement". The AA wikipedia article (especially the "criticism" section) has been sanitised to the point of no return. Perhaps some of the criticisms of AA could be documented more effectively away from the main article? Anyway, if I do do this, some pointers on where to begin research (especially around the history) would be useful. Also, think it may be an idea to do an article about this website (and a section on you...) fpr wiki. Would you have any objections to this? Lastly, what do you look like? I always imagine you to have the appearance of a big, bearded, gentle and cuddlely uncle. Please tell me this is true!!!
Hope to hear from you soon,
The history of opposition to Alcoholics Anonymous:
What an interesting concept. I like that. Well, just off of the top of my head, here's
what I can think of:
I have not been able to find the original newspaper column, and would love to. It wasn't printed in
the New York Times — they didn't carry his column. But I hear that hundreds of other newspapers did.
(There were a lot more newspapers in those days.) Perhaps it was printed in something like the
New York Herald-Tribune, which is unfortunately now defunct, so we can't search its archives online.
If any readers ever stumble across that column,
I would love to get a xerox or computer scan of the original
Or if somebody even just finds the names of some newspapers that
carried Westbrook Pegler's column, that would help in the search.
UPDATE: 2009.11.28: Found it. Thank you readers, for the references.
Rational Recovery Jack Trimpey
Diseasing of America Stanton Peele, Ph.D.
Love and Addiction Stanton Peele with Archie Brodsky
Later, those papers evolved into my own web site.
I'm really a "Johnny-come-lately" in the game.
Oh, and then we shouldn't overlook the people who set up alternative recovery groups:
Rational Recovery, Women For Sobriety, S.O.S. (Secular Organizations for Sobriety, or Save Our Selves),
Lifering, SMART...
Again, I'm not sure about the exact time-line on those things. I believe that W.F.S. was the first,
and then R.R., and then SOS, and that Lifering was an offshoot of S.O.S.
(I think.) —
Rochester, NY, SOS on the web.
When AA Doesn't Work for You, Rational Steps to Quitting Alcohol
Albert Ellis, Ph.D., and Emmett Velten, Ph.D.
More on REBT:
And then there are other authors who deserve honorable mention. Many of them are listed on
the "Top 10" web page, and described in more detail there:
Oh, by the way, that fuzzy guy in the picture is me poking through the stacks at the library.
Good luck, and have a good day.
== Orange
Hey Orange I still enjoy reading the letters but that being said I need to tell you that the FIRST STEP says We WERE powerless. Not we ARE. The first paragraph of Chapter 2 There is a Solution it says "Nearly all have RECOVERED. They have SOLVED the drink problem." This before any mention of STEPS. On page 55 it tells us where we find this HIGHER POWER, the great reality is DEEP INSIDE EACH AND EVERYONE of us. Not a door knob or a totem pole or a palm tree, it puts the ball in the alcoholic's court. Then on page 142 TO THE EMPLOYERS the end of the first paragraph it says SOBER FOREVER — no mention of ONE DAY AT A TIME. My friend Leo came up to me on my 4th day of SOBRIETY and looked at me and said "You are done aren't you" and I said "yes it is OVER." Leo was dead at 38 but he was a drug addict and they are different. They share their joints, their drugs, their needles; ALCOHOLICS do not SHARE, if you don't have yours you are not getting any of mine. See AA works 100% as does Betty Ford CEnter if you are DONE. AA was not started to get you DONE. I love going to meetings to say things that make the new guy THINK FOR HIMSELF not AA GROUP THINK. I love to harpoon the old timers that are so in love with BILL and BOB. I do not get resentments. It is more fun GIVING them. You seem to be slow in responding to your mail, don't you know Alcoholics want it RIGHT NOW. Keep stirring the pot and I look forward to your book. RUSTY, Albuquerque NM
Hello Rusty,
Well, starting at the top:
And you stay powerless forever. A popular A.A. slogan declares:
Really now, when was the last time you saw an Alcoholics Anonymous graduation ceremony where
someone was declared recovered and powerful over alcohol now?
Henry Parkhurst did not say that the fellow in question would stay sober forever. He asked whether
the guy would submit to anything and do anything — in other words, sign a blank check to Alcoholics
How well does Alcoholics Anonymous really work?
Hint: the answers are
Have a good day.
== Orange
Hey AO, Once again, you've been a major help in getting me off the stepper and what I like about you is that you're cheaper than a therapist! but none-the-less.... occasionally some one-on-one processing from time to time might be helpful with a counselor and I was wondering if you had a list of therapists that are an alternative to AA pushers?
Thanks, AK
Hi A.K.,
Thanks for the compliments. That brightens my day.
I don't have any list of therapists, but I know where to start looking. There is a good percentage
of qualified counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists among the people who act as facilitators
of SMART meetings.
As you can guess, they are not in any way AA pushers — they teach Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Technically, SMART meetings are conducted by lay people, non-professionals, but not all of them
are non-professional. Just up the street from me is a building where a Psychiatric Services
branch office of a university conducts SMART meetings, and all of the
meetings are facilitated by the students, or their teachers, or both.
I would go to the SMART web site, and start making connections:
The web site will tell you about local meetings, and you can also log into an online meeting and
start asking around.
Now you don't have to get a counselor who is a teacher or proponent of SMART,
but I know that somebody there will know somebody
who is into more sane methods than Alcoholics Anonymous.
And for that matter, you could also check out WFS, SOS, and LifeRing, and ask there:
Have a good day, and congratulations on your progress.
== Orange
Last updated 25 January 2015. |